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Working Full time and being a Mom

I never thought that being an mom and working full time would consume so much of my energy. After having my first child I immediately started working as soon as my son turned 12 weeks, I began working only a few days of week and felt like I had so much time for my son and myself. Soon after I had my daughter and cut down to only 3 days a week, even though I had two children and worked a few days a week I was able to manage my time and give them quality time. There was a time I was a stay at home mom and I loved it! I wish I could do it again and I wish I could have done more with my kids. 3 years later now I have another son my 3rd child, I began working full time before I was even pregnant with him and have managed to keep working 40+ hours, however its not easy and I feel that quality time with my family is not existent anymore. It's very hard to be a mom while working so many hours, but its possible if you are able to manage your time and activities. I began writing everything in my planner and started planning ahead. I normally make a weekly dinner plan and I only buy whats in my shopping list however I do cheat some times! Also for the kids I created their own daily schedule to help them remember what they need to do everyday, this also includes daily chores. I would say that routine is very necessary if you want it to work. I can see a huge difference when I skip something in my list so I try to keep routine always. Lastly I have learned that its not the amount of time you spend with your children, it's the Quality time you give them!

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