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Must Have Cat Products

Meet my new Kitty! Her name is Lulu, my children and I chose her name. As a child I grew up with pets either a dog or a cat, unfortunately we used to move often and always ended up giving my pets for adoption and it was very heartbreaking! So its been a very very long time since I've had a pet in my life and now that I have children of my own they have begun to ask for a pet. I began to look for cats up for adoption and one day my boss mentioned that she had a litter of kittens!!! That same week I picked up my baby Lulu she was only 7 weeks old tiny as a can be, I immediately fell in love with her. Her actual birth date is February 14th! It makes her even more special. I kept it all a surprise and when I came home with a box they all asked what was inside, I placed the box on the floor and told them to open it. The look on their face was priceless and full of joy. They love her so much, a pet in our family is truly is blessing. Today I shared with you a video of all the items I got for her and hopefully it can be helpful if you are a first time cat mom or dad. These are some examples of what you will need for your kitty. I placed some links below or you can also click on the image to shop those items.

So I decided to get her a collar as soon as we got her so that she would be used to wearing one. I got her one in size small with a bell so that we could hear where she was since she was so tiny I was scared of stepping on her and the bell really helped. I also got several toys for her to play with, she also loves to bite them! At around 4 months she lost her four fangs and soft toys are great for cats to chew. You can also consider getting a blanket of their own, this one is a sherpa blanket and its so soft and she really loves it.

Cat Collar With Bell

Sherpa Cozy Blanket

Here is another of her favorite toys and OMG! Its so cute. This one has catnip inside the unicorn. You can also consider getting a toy wand to play with them, I listed two of her favorites below.

cat toy pink wand

Okay so let's talk about kitty litter, ever since we got her I have purchased almost every brand and every time I ended up with another one. Some of them are so clumpy, heavy or have a super strong fragrance which im not a huge fan of. I finally yes finally found the perfect one and its less than $8 for this huge bag, I find it easier to scoop and has a very mild fragrance.

So my kitty is spoiled, she has about 3 or 4 beds in our home. This is just so that she can sleep and rest anywhere in the house. Below are some options and are very inexpensive.

For feeding you really can go with any bowl, but I got her these because I find them more practical and are adorable!

Pusheen single bowl

This window perch I would say is a must! I didn't even know such thing existed. Your cat will really love this. My cat spends hours looking out the window, napping etc. It works great because while I'm at work she can look out the window and she even spots us and runs to the door to greet us!

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